Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Oviraptor

Dinosaur of the Week: Oviraptor

Oviraptor is an Oviraptoridae dinosaur. It was about 2 meters long. When it was discovered there were eggs right next to it. The people who discovered it thought the eggs belonged to Protoceratops because there were a lot of protoceratops skeletons found around the area. Later, in 1993 a study was done that showed that the eggs where actually Oviraptor`s. So its name became a lie. Though now we have no idea on what it ate. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cryoloposaurus at the Cleveland Natural History Museum - Half Asleep Dinos Quickie

Cryolophosaurus at the Cleveland Natural History Museum

I just got a chance to go to the Cleveland Natural History Museum, they had a new exhibit there (which I will do a review on soon) and a Cryolophosaurus skeleton. The Skeleton was awesome! I did do a post about cryolophosaurus about a year ago which if you want to know more about this dinosaur go there!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The History of The First Dinosaur

The History of The First Dinosaur

Today, we are going over the First Dinosaur! It's not T-rex, Triceratops or The Spinosaurus! Its Iguanodon! anyways, let's begin! Our story begins when Gideon Mantell's wife discovered a tooth. He recognized that the teeth looked like an Iguana's tooth but HUGE! So he named the creature Iguanodon meaning Iguana tooth. Later, in 1851 at the crystal palace. Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins was hired to build extinct creatures. He also decided to build dinosaurs too. One of the species was Iguanodon. He builds it like an iguana with a spike on its nose.

Later, A bunch of Iguanodon skeletons was found! The arms of the beast were smaller and more delicate than the legs. So the paleontologist thought that Iguanodon stood like a kangaroo. (because kangaroos have delicate arms too!) Then everyone started posing their dinosaurs like a kangaroo! and that's really how the how posing our dinosaurs with tails dragging really started. 
Now we're in the late 20th century! More research has been done about dinosaurs. Paleontologists now believe that dinosaurs did not drag their tails on the ground. They believed that they put their tails sideways. So that means that Iguanodon had to change too! Iguanodon now walks on all fours with the tail going out sideways.
That, for now, is what Iguanodon looks like! Its been a wild ride for the first dinosaur. All the way from a giant iguana to a four-legged plant-eating dinosaur. I hope you enjoyed! 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Struthiomimus

Dinosaur of the Week: Struthiomimus

Struthiomimus is an ‬omnivorous ornithomimid dinosaur. Struthimimus lived in the Late Cretaceous. This dinosaur was originally thoughted to be Ornithomimus but was later discovered to be its own species. The most notable part of Struthiomimus is that the hands are longer proportionately than the arm than in other members of ornithomimid. Struthimimus was only 4.5 meters long. Around the same height as a 1.8 meter person. Struthiomimus lived in Canada and the USA. Being an Omnivore help Struthiomimus because it could switch between the two to help it survive the area it was living in.

Thanks for DK books for the image.

(Sorry for being a Day Late!)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dromaeosaurus - The Raptors

Dromaeosaurus - The Raptors

Dinosaurs evolved in many ways. One of the coolest families of dinosaurs is Dromaeosaurus. Dromaeosaurus was fast small predators. All of them had sickle claws on their toe. You may know this family from their famous member, Velociraptor! In real life, they were about the size of a chicken and couldn't open doorknobs (or reach them) One of the other members of the families is Utahraptor. Named after Utah, this dinosaur was 6 feet tall and 23 feet long. This is the biggest dromaeosaurus found. Pyroraptor (my favorite Dromaeosaurus) was named Pyroraptor because of a forest fire that happened before they discovered pyroraptor. Pyroraptor was 8 feet long with a sickle that was 6.5 centimeters long.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Huayangosaurus

Dinosaur of the Week: Huayangosaurus

Huayangosaurus was a stegosaurus that lived in the mid-Jurassic. It was 4.5 meters long. The backplates are long tall spikes with two that stick out at the front. The only known locations that huayangosaurus has been found in is China. Possible predators for this dinosaur include Yangchuanosaurus, Xuanhanosaurus, Gasosaurus, and Kaijiangosaurus. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dinosaur of the week : Majungasaurus

Image result for Majungasaurus

Dinosaur of the week: Majungasaurus

Majungasaurus was originally thought to be Pachycephalosaurus because of the small fossil found. Later it was found out Majungasaurus was carnivorous theropod dinosaur. This dinosaur has a small horn coming out of his head. This dinosaur also has small forearms which were basically used less. This dinosaur was 6 to 7 meters long and weighed about a ton. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Dinosaur of the week: Gorgosaurus

Dinosaur of the week: Gorgosaurus

Gorgosaurus is a tyrannosauridae dinosaur. Its name means dreadful lizard and it lived in the Late Cretaceous. The dinosaur was 30 feet long and was 9 feet tall. It weighed about 2 and a half tons. It was the top predator of its time. It lived in North America.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

One Year Of Half Asleep Dinos!

One Year Of Half Asleep Dinos!

Its been one year since I launched Half Asleep Dinos! My first ever post was about Dynamoterror, an awesome tyrannosaurus! You can check it out right here! Thank you all for checking out my website and looking at it! While your here here are some fun things to celebrate!

Best Half Asleep Dinos Posts (In my Opinion)

Check Out the other pages on Half Asleep Dinos

If you type or anything else you get a fun little easter egg!

I hope you enjoy this Year of Half Asleep Dinos!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dinosaur of the week: Carnotaurus

Dinosaur of the week: Carnotaurus

Carnotaurus is a carnivore theropod that lived in late Cretaceous. Its arms were even tinyer than T-rex`s. It had two horns on it head which is why its was name was Carnotaurus which means Meat Eating bull. There has only been one carnotaurus found.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Siamraptor - A new thailand Dinosaur

Siamraptor - A new thailand Dinosaur

A new dinosaur has been discovered! It was a carcharodontosaurian dinosaur that lived in the early cretaceous. It is one of the most complete dinosaur skeleton found in Thailand. One of the paleontologists that found this dinosaur hopes that more people will realize that Thailand has more dinosaurs than some people may think.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Agustinia

Dinosaur of the Week: Agustinia

One of the most unique sauropods, Agustinia! Its 15 meters long and was discovered in Neuquen, Argentina. The spikes on the back of Agustinia are used to defend from predators. It was originally named Augsustia but that name was all righted taken so they renamed it to Agustinia in 1999. This is one of my favorite dinosaur and I was glad I could do a post about it!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Ankylosaurus

Dinosaur of the Week: Ankylosaurus

What would a living tank look like? Well, you may just be thinking of a tank with eyes I think of Ankylosaurus. Its name mean "Fused Lizard". Ankylosaurus is one of the biggest Ankylosaurs at 6 meters long. It was discovered by Barnum Brown (The same guy who discovered T-rex) in 1908. Ankylosaurus was a herbivore, but its teeth couldn't`t crush plants so instead they striped the leaves of the branches then digest it.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Battle at Big Rock Review

Battle at Big Rock Review (SPOILERS)

For those who didn`t know there was a Jurassic world short film released recently. It`s only eight minutes long and takes place after Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and I am going to cover it since this is a blog about dinosaurs. The sections were covering are Story, cinematography and of course Dinosaurs. So let`s just jump in!


The story was alright, not much though. But it is just a short film so that can be expected but I will still give a rundown of the story! The film starts with a family at a campsite, but then a wild Nasutoceratops comes up and just check thing out with her baby. But then an allosaurus pops up and starts attacking. After a male Nasutoceratops scares away the allosaurus from the female, it then attacks the truck with a family inside. After some screaming, the girl shoots the allosaurus with a crossbow. Then the short film ends but not without fun credits to go along with the film. The credits show people getting attack by dinosaurs in the wild. I would suggest checking out the credits yourselves. 


The cinematography of the film is great! One scene really shows this. The scene is where the allosaurus is roaring at the family with the campfire in the background. But the film is really dark, and it makes it hard to see the dinosaurs. But other than that the film was great!
The scene!


The dinosaurs were great. The Nasutoceratops looked like a nasutoceratops! But I do have some problems with the allosaurus. In real life, allosaurus didn`t have back spikes like in the film and of course feathers, it had feathers. But other than that the dinosaurs were good.


The film was great! Just the darkness and the Allosaurus not being realistic knocks it down to a 9 out of 10. But I would still check it out if you like dinosaurs!

RATING: 9/10

Monday, September 16, 2019

NEWS: New updates coming to the website!

NEWS: New updates coming to the website!

Alright, I am doing a little update because I want to. If you really don`t care about the website and just the website you can skip this. So lets just start with the biggest thing first. DINOSAUR OF THE WEEK! It`s a new thing I am doing were I spotlight a dinosaur for the week! (Counts for the Saturday post but it won`t be the only thing I do every week. I may not do a dinosaur of the week every week.) Half Asleep Dinos is having its 1 year anniversary in one month, so to celebrate if you post any fan art in the comments of this post they will be featured in the post! Anyways that all I wanted to say!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dinosaur of the week: Megaraptor

Dinosaur of the week: Megaraptor

Despite the name Megaraptor, Megaraptor is not a raptor but an tyrannosauroid! It had a claw is 16 inches long on each hand. It was 26 feet long and it weighted about 2 tons. It can run at the speed of 31 miles per hour. Some paleontologists think that Megaraptor is the adult version of Unenlagia.

Art :

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Huge Fossils in The Children's Museum of Indianapolis


Huge Fossils in The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is taking huge fossil and putting it into their musem. The fossil being taking are from Jurassic Mile. A area full of dinosaurs. The fossil are mostly from sauropods.

(sorry, for the short post this week. Not much things to talk about this week.)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Royal Ontario Museum Review

 The Royal Ontario Museum Review

I recently got a chance to go to The Royal Ontario Museum and it has one of the best dinosaur hall I have ever seen. I am only reviewing the dinosaur parts of the Museum, the other parts are for someone else. 

The Futalongnkosaurus

When you walk into the museum you see a huge skeleton. This is a great opening for the museum! Most museums have a sauropod in the main hall, but this one is just really well constructed.

The Quetzalcoatlus

When you get to the dinosaur area you first see a quetzalcatlus (Yes, it`s not a dinosaur but they put it into the area so I am talking about it) It hangs right over the main hall. It`s skull is super long and you can almost touch it. It`s Awesome

The Main Stuff

After you see the Quetzalcoatlus, you go down a hall to see a bunch of dinosaur skeletons. I don`t have much to say here, there all really good. If I have to nitpick I wish the color of the walls were not just white.

The New Dinosaur discovered

The last dinosaur bit was a section was they talked about a new dinosaur being discovered. The dinosaur was wendiceratops, the room wasn`t full of much expect for the floor were they showed the dig site.

Wrap Up

This is a great museum! I don`t have many things to complain about expect for that he color of the walls are always white. Not much mix up, but other than that this is great museum! 

RATING : 9/10

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Alot of people know the dinosaur that lived in USA! But not alot of people know alot about its north friend, Canada! Today we are talking about dinosaurs that lived there. Did you know? That the most know dinosaur, T-rex! Lives there and even the biggest t-rex ever was found there! His name is Scotty and I did post on him. you can find it here. Another thereopod dinosaur similar to T-rex is Albertosaurus! It was named after the place it was discovered, Alberta (no surprise there). Albertosaurus is the Canadian dinosaur. It can also run at 30 kilometers an hour. Another dinosaur that lives in Canada is Edmontosaurus. Named after Edmonton in Alberta, this dinosaur can be 13 meters long. Edmontosaurus is also a very well know species, with thousands of Edmontosaurus remains being found. It is most likely that our last dinosaur, Albertosaurus probably ate Edmontosaurus. The last dinosaur were are talking about is Gorgosaurus. Gorgosaurus`s name mean dreadful lizard and it lived in Alberta, Canada. Gorgosaurus was in the tyrannosaurus family. It weighted up to 2 and a half tons. Dinosaurs in Canada are just as interesting as USA dinosaurs, and they even share some dinosaurs.

Art :

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A huge sauropod bone found! - Half Asleep Dinos Quickie

A huge sauropod bone found!

In Angeac-Charente, France there has been a lot of dinosaur discoveries, there has been more than 7,500 discoveries since 2010. But Paleologists in Angeac-Charente, France has found something very special! A huge 2-meter long femur that belongs to a sauropod. The animal that had this bone weighted about 40 to 50 tons.

Saturday, July 27, 2019




Welcome to Half Asleep Dino`s 50th Post! It has been 273 days since my first post. So, today we are going to debunk dinosaurs myths. Kind of like mythbusters but with dinosaurs and cheaper. So, let`s just get started!

Are Pterosaurs Dinosaurs?

Okay, I am staring with the easy ones. No, but pterosaurs are very closely related to dinosaurs.

Are Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus the same dinosaur?

No, they used to be the same dinosaur (before that they were different). So, right now they are two different dinosaurs because they are different enough.

Were Dinosaurs cold-blooded? 

No, they were warm blooded. They way their bones grew was like birds and mammals bones grew. Both warm blooded species. 

Did Dinosaurs live in hot, humid areas?

No, most of them actually lived in forests or even Antarctica. Antarctica was warmer back then though, but still really cold.

Thank you all for reading Half Asleep Dinos and letting me get this far! I now have a photos page with photos, by ME! Here`s the page! I hope you enjoyed this 50th post!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dinosaur nests found!

Dinosaur nests found! 

Very recently a dinosaur nesting site was found! Not many of these are found, so this is very exciting! The dinosaur nesting site has 15 nests with 50 eggs. This is the best evidence to prove that dinosaur had group nesting. The eggs belong to non-flying theropods. The researchers predict that half of the nests have at least one egg hatch.

Note: Sorry, if this post was short! There was not that much dinosaur news this week, and this was the only other thing I can find (Other than that big one I posted earlier). But next week is my 50th post! So it`s going to be big! - Half Asleep Dinos


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A new duck billed Dinosaur! - Half Asleep Dinos Quickie

A new duck billed Dinosaur!

Another new dinosaur has been discovered! (Busy week for me, but more dinosaurs the better!). This is a duckbill dinosaur, a dinosaur type I haven`t covered here! So, this is pretty exciting. Anyways, stop with all this non-sense and let`s jump right in to it.
                            The species is named Aquilarhinus (try saying that, at all). Named for its eagle-like nose and lower jaw. When they first found the fossil they thought it was a Gryposaurus, a hadrosaur. But when they looked closer they found that it was much more primitive then Gryposaurus. This and other things that we will talk about later on make this dinosaur not a part of the main duck-billed dinosaur group. It would be in a much more primitive group than saurolophinae. This dinosaur would be scooping dirt with it jaws to find aquatic plants in the marshes of the Delta. Aquilarhinus also has a bony crest! The crest is just a simple hump like crest.  

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Lori, the hesperonithoides and European Triassic Dinosaur!

Lori, the Hesperonithoides!

In Wyoming, a state know for large dinosaurs like Diplodocus! They found a tiny little raptor named Hesperonithoides. The dinosaur is about 150 years old. The dinosaur was found in 2001 when a shovel hit the snout, breaking it (not a good first impression). When they first found the dinosaur, they thought it was a pterosaur! But later they realized was it really was! They named the dinosaur specimen Lori! It was covered in feathers.

European Triassic Dinosaur!

Europe does not have a lot of early theropod dinosaurs. But we just got a treat because a well preserved skeleton was recently and its from the late Triassic. The skeleton has an almost complete skull, forarms and its stomach contents. Notatesseraeraptor is a late Triassic dinosaur that is similar to Dilophosaurus. Notatesseraeraptor is one of the oldest Averostra.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Huge Brachiosaurus is making its way to a Zoo!

A Huge Brachiosaurus is making its way to a Zoo!

At the Elmwood Park Zoo, the zoo putting in a dinosaur! Near the carousel they will be installing a new exhibit that will contain a 65 foot long Brachiosaurus! It`s not real but its really cool they made a model that huge! Right now they are trying to get a name! Here are the options they list.

  • Dwayne "the Brach" Johnson
  • Becky with the Long Neck
  • Bracha Lee
  • Elmur
  • Zacheosaurus The Brachiosaurus
  • Spaghetti
You can Vote Here!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

A Dinosaur Museum is going extinct!

 A Dinosaur Museum is going extinct!

We all love dinosaurs but when a Museum closes with all of its dinosaurs, its a sad sight. Unfortunately, thats is what is happening right now. A Museum in Escondido is closing beacuse of the owner needs a rest and does not have enough money for full time staff. The museum used to get 200 vistors a month but now it gets 200 a day after telling people its closing. Today is the closing day so if your in the area go vist!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A new Dinosaur discovered! A tiny T-rex!

A new Dinosaur discovered! A tiny T-rex!

A new t-rex realted dinosaur has been discovered! It was only five feet and was discoverd in Cruzeiro do Oeste. But the really cool thing is that this dinosaur`s foot print were discoverd 50 years ago and only now the discovered the dinosaur which it was from! The skeleton looks like it was well adapted to the area in which it lived in

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Sorry, I am not posting this week! But I am doing to this to say I can`t post for the next 2 weeks. I won`t be able to but as soon as I come back I will!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Smithsonian`s Dinos are back!

Smithsonian`s Dinos are back!

After some redoing the dinosaur hall, the Smithsonian museum is reopening their dinosaur hall on June 8th, so today we are reviewing what is new there!
The dinosaur hall is packed with over 700 specimens, but one of the most major additions is the Triceratops in a new position with a new friend! The Triceratops that has been in the dinosaur hall since the opening of the dinosaur and is now prey for the T-rex!

 There is now a 90 foot long diplodocus that stretches across the room!

In the old dinosaur hall there was an Edmontosaurus in the wall. But when the plaster was taken away they found the part of the specimen was encased in rock. The skeleton was never finished being excavated.

There is still a bit more to cover on this topic so if you want more tell me in the comments