Saturday, July 13, 2019

Lori, the hesperonithoides and European Triassic Dinosaur!

Lori, the Hesperonithoides!

In Wyoming, a state know for large dinosaurs like Diplodocus! They found a tiny little raptor named Hesperonithoides. The dinosaur is about 150 years old. The dinosaur was found in 2001 when a shovel hit the snout, breaking it (not a good first impression). When they first found the dinosaur, they thought it was a pterosaur! But later they realized was it really was! They named the dinosaur specimen Lori! It was covered in feathers.

European Triassic Dinosaur!

Europe does not have a lot of early theropod dinosaurs. But we just got a treat because a well preserved skeleton was recently and its from the late Triassic. The skeleton has an almost complete skull, forarms and its stomach contents. Notatesseraeraptor is a late Triassic dinosaur that is similar to Dilophosaurus. Notatesseraeraptor is one of the oldest Averostra.

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