Saturday, July 27, 2019




Welcome to Half Asleep Dino`s 50th Post! It has been 273 days since my first post. So, today we are going to debunk dinosaurs myths. Kind of like mythbusters but with dinosaurs and cheaper. So, let`s just get started!

Are Pterosaurs Dinosaurs?

Okay, I am staring with the easy ones. No, but pterosaurs are very closely related to dinosaurs.

Are Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus the same dinosaur?

No, they used to be the same dinosaur (before that they were different). So, right now they are two different dinosaurs because they are different enough.

Were Dinosaurs cold-blooded? 

No, they were warm blooded. They way their bones grew was like birds and mammals bones grew. Both warm blooded species. 

Did Dinosaurs live in hot, humid areas?

No, most of them actually lived in forests or even Antarctica. Antarctica was warmer back then though, but still really cold.

Thank you all for reading Half Asleep Dinos and letting me get this far! I now have a photos page with photos, by ME! Here`s the page! I hope you enjoyed this 50th post!

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