Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Royal Ontario Museum Review

 The Royal Ontario Museum Review

I recently got a chance to go to The Royal Ontario Museum and it has one of the best dinosaur hall I have ever seen. I am only reviewing the dinosaur parts of the Museum, the other parts are for someone else. 

The Futalongnkosaurus

When you walk into the museum you see a huge skeleton. This is a great opening for the museum! Most museums have a sauropod in the main hall, but this one is just really well constructed.

The Quetzalcoatlus

When you get to the dinosaur area you first see a quetzalcatlus (Yes, it`s not a dinosaur but they put it into the area so I am talking about it) It hangs right over the main hall. It`s skull is super long and you can almost touch it. It`s Awesome

The Main Stuff

After you see the Quetzalcoatlus, you go down a hall to see a bunch of dinosaur skeletons. I don`t have much to say here, there all really good. If I have to nitpick I wish the color of the walls were not just white.

The New Dinosaur discovered

The last dinosaur bit was a section was they talked about a new dinosaur being discovered. The dinosaur was wendiceratops, the room wasn`t full of much expect for the floor were they showed the dig site.

Wrap Up

This is a great museum! I don`t have many things to complain about expect for that he color of the walls are always white. Not much mix up, but other than that this is great museum! 

RATING : 9/10

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