Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Alot of people know the dinosaur that lived in USA! But not alot of people know alot about its north friend, Canada! Today we are talking about dinosaurs that lived there. Did you know? That the most know dinosaur, T-rex! Lives there and even the biggest t-rex ever was found there! His name is Scotty and I did post on him. you can find it here. Another thereopod dinosaur similar to T-rex is Albertosaurus! It was named after the place it was discovered, Alberta (no surprise there). Albertosaurus is the Canadian dinosaur. It can also run at 30 kilometers an hour. Another dinosaur that lives in Canada is Edmontosaurus. Named after Edmonton in Alberta, this dinosaur can be 13 meters long. Edmontosaurus is also a very well know species, with thousands of Edmontosaurus remains being found. It is most likely that our last dinosaur, Albertosaurus probably ate Edmontosaurus. The last dinosaur were are talking about is Gorgosaurus. Gorgosaurus`s name mean dreadful lizard and it lived in Alberta, Canada. Gorgosaurus was in the tyrannosaurus family. It weighted up to 2 and a half tons. Dinosaurs in Canada are just as interesting as USA dinosaurs, and they even share some dinosaurs.

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