Saturday, December 21, 2019

The History of The First Dinosaur

The History of The First Dinosaur

Today, we are going over the First Dinosaur! It's not T-rex, Triceratops or The Spinosaurus! Its Iguanodon! anyways, let's begin! Our story begins when Gideon Mantell's wife discovered a tooth. He recognized that the teeth looked like an Iguana's tooth but HUGE! So he named the creature Iguanodon meaning Iguana tooth. Later, in 1851 at the crystal palace. Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins was hired to build extinct creatures. He also decided to build dinosaurs too. One of the species was Iguanodon. He builds it like an iguana with a spike on its nose.

Later, A bunch of Iguanodon skeletons was found! The arms of the beast were smaller and more delicate than the legs. So the paleontologist thought that Iguanodon stood like a kangaroo. (because kangaroos have delicate arms too!) Then everyone started posing their dinosaurs like a kangaroo! and that's really how the how posing our dinosaurs with tails dragging really started. 
Now we're in the late 20th century! More research has been done about dinosaurs. Paleontologists now believe that dinosaurs did not drag their tails on the ground. They believed that they put their tails sideways. So that means that Iguanodon had to change too! Iguanodon now walks on all fours with the tail going out sideways.
That, for now, is what Iguanodon looks like! Its been a wild ride for the first dinosaur. All the way from a giant iguana to a four-legged plant-eating dinosaur. I hope you enjoyed! 

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