Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dinosaur of the week: Megaraptor

Dinosaur of the week: Megaraptor

Despite the name Megaraptor, Megaraptor is not a raptor but an tyrannosauroid! It had a claw is 16 inches long on each hand. It was 26 feet long and it weighted about 2 tons. It can run at the speed of 31 miles per hour. Some paleontologists think that Megaraptor is the adult version of Unenlagia.

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Huge Fossils in The Children's Museum of Indianapolis


Huge Fossils in The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is taking huge fossil and putting it into their musem. The fossil being taking are from Jurassic Mile. A area full of dinosaurs. The fossil are mostly from sauropods.

(sorry, for the short post this week. Not much things to talk about this week.)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Royal Ontario Museum Review

 The Royal Ontario Museum Review

I recently got a chance to go to The Royal Ontario Museum and it has one of the best dinosaur hall I have ever seen. I am only reviewing the dinosaur parts of the Museum, the other parts are for someone else. 

The Futalongnkosaurus

When you walk into the museum you see a huge skeleton. This is a great opening for the museum! Most museums have a sauropod in the main hall, but this one is just really well constructed.

The Quetzalcoatlus

When you get to the dinosaur area you first see a quetzalcatlus (Yes, it`s not a dinosaur but they put it into the area so I am talking about it) It hangs right over the main hall. It`s skull is super long and you can almost touch it. It`s Awesome

The Main Stuff

After you see the Quetzalcoatlus, you go down a hall to see a bunch of dinosaur skeletons. I don`t have much to say here, there all really good. If I have to nitpick I wish the color of the walls were not just white.

The New Dinosaur discovered

The last dinosaur bit was a section was they talked about a new dinosaur being discovered. The dinosaur was wendiceratops, the room wasn`t full of much expect for the floor were they showed the dig site.

Wrap Up

This is a great museum! I don`t have many things to complain about expect for that he color of the walls are always white. Not much mix up, but other than that this is great museum! 

RATING : 9/10

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Dinosaurus that lived in Canada!

Alot of people know the dinosaur that lived in USA! But not alot of people know alot about its north friend, Canada! Today we are talking about dinosaurs that lived there. Did you know? That the most know dinosaur, T-rex! Lives there and even the biggest t-rex ever was found there! His name is Scotty and I did post on him. you can find it here. Another thereopod dinosaur similar to T-rex is Albertosaurus! It was named after the place it was discovered, Alberta (no surprise there). Albertosaurus is the Canadian dinosaur. It can also run at 30 kilometers an hour. Another dinosaur that lives in Canada is Edmontosaurus. Named after Edmonton in Alberta, this dinosaur can be 13 meters long. Edmontosaurus is also a very well know species, with thousands of Edmontosaurus remains being found. It is most likely that our last dinosaur, Albertosaurus probably ate Edmontosaurus. The last dinosaur were are talking about is Gorgosaurus. Gorgosaurus`s name mean dreadful lizard and it lived in Alberta, Canada. Gorgosaurus was in the tyrannosaurus family. It weighted up to 2 and a half tons. Dinosaurs in Canada are just as interesting as USA dinosaurs, and they even share some dinosaurs.

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