Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A huge sauropod bone found! - Half Asleep Dinos Quickie

A huge sauropod bone found!

In Angeac-Charente, France there has been a lot of dinosaur discoveries, there has been more than 7,500 discoveries since 2010. But Paleologists in Angeac-Charente, France has found something very special! A huge 2-meter long femur that belongs to a sauropod. The animal that had this bone weighted about 40 to 50 tons.

Saturday, July 27, 2019




Welcome to Half Asleep Dino`s 50th Post! It has been 273 days since my first post. So, today we are going to debunk dinosaurs myths. Kind of like mythbusters but with dinosaurs and cheaper. So, let`s just get started!

Are Pterosaurs Dinosaurs?

Okay, I am staring with the easy ones. No, but pterosaurs are very closely related to dinosaurs.

Are Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus the same dinosaur?

No, they used to be the same dinosaur (before that they were different). So, right now they are two different dinosaurs because they are different enough.

Were Dinosaurs cold-blooded? 

No, they were warm blooded. They way their bones grew was like birds and mammals bones grew. Both warm blooded species. 

Did Dinosaurs live in hot, humid areas?

No, most of them actually lived in forests or even Antarctica. Antarctica was warmer back then though, but still really cold.

Thank you all for reading Half Asleep Dinos and letting me get this far! I now have a photos page with photos, by ME! Here`s the page! I hope you enjoyed this 50th post!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dinosaur nests found!

Dinosaur nests found! 

Very recently a dinosaur nesting site was found! Not many of these are found, so this is very exciting! The dinosaur nesting site has 15 nests with 50 eggs. This is the best evidence to prove that dinosaur had group nesting. The eggs belong to non-flying theropods. The researchers predict that half of the nests have at least one egg hatch.

Note: Sorry, if this post was short! There was not that much dinosaur news this week, and this was the only other thing I can find (Other than that big one I posted earlier). But next week is my 50th post! So it`s going to be big! - Half Asleep Dinos


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A new duck billed Dinosaur! - Half Asleep Dinos Quickie

A new duck billed Dinosaur!

Another new dinosaur has been discovered! (Busy week for me, but more dinosaurs the better!). This is a duckbill dinosaur, a dinosaur type I haven`t covered here! So, this is pretty exciting. Anyways, stop with all this non-sense and let`s jump right in to it.
                            The species is named Aquilarhinus (try saying that, at all). Named for its eagle-like nose and lower jaw. When they first found the fossil they thought it was a Gryposaurus, a hadrosaur. But when they looked closer they found that it was much more primitive then Gryposaurus. This and other things that we will talk about later on make this dinosaur not a part of the main duck-billed dinosaur group. It would be in a much more primitive group than saurolophinae. This dinosaur would be scooping dirt with it jaws to find aquatic plants in the marshes of the Delta. Aquilarhinus also has a bony crest! The crest is just a simple hump like crest.  

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Lori, the hesperonithoides and European Triassic Dinosaur!

Lori, the Hesperonithoides!

In Wyoming, a state know for large dinosaurs like Diplodocus! They found a tiny little raptor named Hesperonithoides. The dinosaur is about 150 years old. The dinosaur was found in 2001 when a shovel hit the snout, breaking it (not a good first impression). When they first found the dinosaur, they thought it was a pterosaur! But later they realized was it really was! They named the dinosaur specimen Lori! It was covered in feathers.

European Triassic Dinosaur!

Europe does not have a lot of early theropod dinosaurs. But we just got a treat because a well preserved skeleton was recently and its from the late Triassic. The skeleton has an almost complete skull, forarms and its stomach contents. Notatesseraeraptor is a late Triassic dinosaur that is similar to Dilophosaurus. Notatesseraeraptor is one of the oldest Averostra.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Huge Brachiosaurus is making its way to a Zoo!

A Huge Brachiosaurus is making its way to a Zoo!

At the Elmwood Park Zoo, the zoo putting in a dinosaur! Near the carousel they will be installing a new exhibit that will contain a 65 foot long Brachiosaurus! It`s not real but its really cool they made a model that huge! Right now they are trying to get a name! Here are the options they list.

  • Dwayne "the Brach" Johnson
  • Becky with the Long Neck
  • Bracha Lee
  • Elmur
  • Zacheosaurus The Brachiosaurus
  • Spaghetti
You can Vote Here!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

A Dinosaur Museum is going extinct!

 A Dinosaur Museum is going extinct!

We all love dinosaurs but when a Museum closes with all of its dinosaurs, its a sad sight. Unfortunately, thats is what is happening right now. A Museum in Escondido is closing beacuse of the owner needs a rest and does not have enough money for full time staff. The museum used to get 200 vistors a month but now it gets 200 a day after telling people its closing. Today is the closing day so if your in the area go vist!