Saturday, March 30, 2019

The King of T-rexs : Scotty

The King of T-rexs : Scotty

Have you ever thought T-Rex was big, well just meet Scotty. The world`s biggest tyrannosaurus rex ever found. The specimen was estimated at 19,500 pounds when it was alive. The skeleton is only 65% complete! We do have its ribs, leg bones and tail bone. Scotty lived in Canada (eh) 68 million years ago where it was a tropical landscape instead of the cold winter place that is Canada. (eh) We have had the bones of this dinosaur since 1991, but it takes more than a year for paleontologist to get to know a fossil. Just like meeting a new person, but instead it`s a dinosaur. This dinosaur is 900 pounds heavier than Sue. The most complete and used to be biggest T-Rex. But for now the paleontologist are still studying the remains! But I hope someday the remains will go into a museum.

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