Friday, March 8, 2019

Spinosauridae - The Fish Eating Dinosaurs

Spinosauridae - The Fish Eating Dinosaurs

Today we are going to be talking about the family of spinosauridae! I find Spinosauridaes so fun to talk about because of how weird they are! We are going to be going over 3 Spinosauridaes. Baryonyx, Suchomimus and Irritator! So, let`s jump right into the Spinosauridaes!


Baryonyx`s name means "Heavy Claw." It had a claw on its thumb. Baryonyx`s arms were very strong but with its huge claw it could hook fish right out of the water! We have evidence of fish scales found in the body cavity in the fossil. The scales belonged to Lepidotes. Baryonyx was the first dinosaur discovered to eat fish.


Suchomimus means “crocodile mimic” The long snout was 4 feet long! This was used to eat fish! How do we know this? Because with other Spinosauridae (Baryonyx) we discovered fish scales in them plus with that super long snout its perfect! Though if there is some free meat around, the Suchomimus would eat it!


Sometimes discovering dinosaur can be hard. It`s a labor of love. But this dinosaur takes the cake for the most annoying dinosaur to uncover. The skull of Irritator was artificially made longer by illegal fossil hunters! So when the paleontologist discovered this they had to remove it all! Irritator weighted 3 tons and was 21 feet long. But paleontologist aren`t quite sure since they only have one skull to work with.

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