Saturday, December 29, 2018

Half-Asleep Dinos 2018: The Year of The Dinosaurs

Half-Asleep Dinos 2018: The Year of The Dinosaurs

Hello there and welcome! This is the last post for this year! woop, woop! So, I decided to make a retrospective. So lets just jump into it!

The Beginning

In October, I started this blog to show my love about dinosaurs. But not without its setbacks. A while back I tried to make a blog called "prehistoric dinosaur facts". I put presser on myself by trying to upload daily. I only got 13 posts there. You can visit it here. But I came back! With a different blog idea. Instead of giving facts, I give news and essays about dinosaurs.


After I got started people started to read my blog posts. My most popular post was the Spinosaurus: Different then you know. Then I made I huge decision. To get a domain!

The Domain

I Got a Domain! No more .blogspot! I was so happy! But there is one more thing in our history so far.

Dinosaurs in Snow

The first ever event! what is an event? An event is a thing we do every couple of months, where I a post thing relating to the topic for the whole month. Dinosaurs in Snow was the first ever event I ever did. Its all about the dinosaurs that lived in Antarctica. And it went amazingly!

Wrap Up

Thank you for reading this or following this blog! It means so much to me, Thank you! See you next year.

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