Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dinosaurs in Snow : Glacialisaurus

Dinosaurs in Snow : Glacialisaurus

The last post in the Dinosaurs in Snow is all about Glacialisaurus. Glacialisaurus is a sauropodomorph that lived in Antarctica! Only know from a couple hind limb bones, but there is a enough to identify the dinosaur as a sauropodomorph. From the same fossil formation there are fossils of sauropod dinosaur. Which means sauropodomorph and sauropods co-existed for alot of time.
Threats ti Glacialisaurus would be ‬Cryolophosaurus, a meat-eating theropod dinosaur. Which we covered in our first post in this series. ‬Cryolophosaurus. Thats all for this series! Check next week for our a Reflection about my blog.

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