Saturday, December 29, 2018

Half-Asleep Dinos 2018: The Year of The Dinosaurs

Half-Asleep Dinos 2018: The Year of The Dinosaurs

Hello there and welcome! This is the last post for this year! woop, woop! So, I decided to make a retrospective. So lets just jump into it!

The Beginning

In October, I started this blog to show my love about dinosaurs. But not without its setbacks. A while back I tried to make a blog called "prehistoric dinosaur facts". I put presser on myself by trying to upload daily. I only got 13 posts there. You can visit it here. But I came back! With a different blog idea. Instead of giving facts, I give news and essays about dinosaurs.


After I got started people started to read my blog posts. My most popular post was the Spinosaurus: Different then you know. Then I made I huge decision. To get a domain!

The Domain

I Got a Domain! No more .blogspot! I was so happy! But there is one more thing in our history so far.

Dinosaurs in Snow

The first ever event! what is an event? An event is a thing we do every couple of months, where I a post thing relating to the topic for the whole month. Dinosaurs in Snow was the first ever event I ever did. Its all about the dinosaurs that lived in Antarctica. And it went amazingly!

Wrap Up

Thank you for reading this or following this blog! It means so much to me, Thank you! See you next year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! And I know how much we all love the holidays! Anyways I know we all have things to do, but I am going to give some gifts, of dinosaur facts!

  • Brachiosaurus`s name means arm lizard!
  • The largest dinosaur is Argentinosaurus
  • Giganotosaurus is the largest meat-eating dinosaur
  • Diplodocus`s tail could be whiped at super high speed to attack predators
  • Stegosaurus may have ate stones for use as gastroliths.
Please share this facts to anyone! Anyways have a great christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dinosaurs in Snow : Glacialisaurus

Dinosaurs in Snow : Glacialisaurus

The last post in the Dinosaurs in Snow is all about Glacialisaurus. Glacialisaurus is a sauropodomorph that lived in Antarctica! Only know from a couple hind limb bones, but there is a enough to identify the dinosaur as a sauropodomorph. From the same fossil formation there are fossils of sauropod dinosaur. Which means sauropodomorph and sauropods co-existed for alot of time.
Threats ti Glacialisaurus would be ‬Cryolophosaurus, a meat-eating theropod dinosaur. Which we covered in our first post in this series. ‬Cryolophosaurus. Thats all for this series! Check next week for our a Reflection about my blog.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Deck the halls with lots of Stegosaurus Cover! - New Song

This song is no longer can be listened to. It was only for Christmas time

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dinosaurs in Snow: Trinisaura

Dinosaurs in Snow: Trinisaura

The third post in the Dinosaur in Snow series is all about Trinisaura. Trinisaura is a small ornithopod that lived in Antarctica. Not much is known about Trinisaura due to lack of remains. But as a ornithopod it walked on its two feet and ate vegetation. It shared its habitat with last weeks dinosaur. Antarctopelta. 
 Today's post was a little short so I am going to talk about Antarctica in the Mesozoic. In the Mesozoic Antarctica was way hotter but still cold for the time. Making it a pretty good place to live for a dinosaur! Thats all for this week! Tune in Next Week!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dinosaurs in Snow: Antarctopelta

Dinosaurs in Snow: Antarctopelta

Our next post in the Dinosaurs in Snow series is Antarctopelta. An Nodosauridae dinosaur from the cretaceous. Antarctopelta`s length is 4 meters long. Antarctopelta is the first know armoured dinosaur to live in antarctia. Antarctopelta is very closely related to Ankylosaurids, but as a nodosaur, Antarctopelta dosen`t a tail club.
Antarctpelta has side spikes called ostderms. The ostderms are used to protect Antarctpelta from the teeth of predators. Thats all for this post! See you next week! 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dinosaurs in Snow: Cryolophosaurus

Dinosaurs in Snow: Cryolophosaurus

This month were are going to take a break from my usual posts to talk about dinosaur that lived in Antarctica! To start off this series of post were are taking about Cryolophosaurus, the meat-eater of Antarctica! His name means "cold crest lizard". He was discovered in 1994 by William R.‭ ‬Hammer & ‬William J.‭ ‬Hickerson. The Cryolophosaurus was estimated at ‬6.5‭ ‬meters long. Cryolophosaurus lived during the early Jurassic.

Cryolophosaurus was the biggest theropod of the early Jurassic era . But your probably asking the question, How could a dinosaur live in such a cold place like Antarctica! Well, back in the Jurassic ever thing was warmer including Antarctica! That's all for today's post! Tune in next week for more Dinosaurs in Snow.