Saturday, February 2, 2019

Microraptor - The world`s smallest dinosaur!

Microraptor - The world`s smallest dinosaur!

Microraptor is a theropod dinosaurs and its one of the smallest dinosaurs ever! The size of this dinosaur is 1 meter long! Thats really small! One other really cool fact about microraptor is that we know the color of its feathers. we have compared patterns of pigment-containing organelles from the remains of microraptor with modern birds. The scientist working on the task have etermined that the dinosaur`s color was hues of black and blue like the feathers of a crow. The reseach aslo showed that it had a tail fan, which is believed to be a teardrop shaped surface made to help with flight! Thats all for today! see you next week

(I hope to be publishing ever week of february, sorry about january, I needed a break!)

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