Saturday, November 10, 2018

Spinosaurus : Different Then You Know

 Spinosaurus : Different Then You Know

The Spinosaurus a classic dinosaur made popular  by the movie Jurassic Park 3. In that movie ,Spinosaurus was shown as a large theropod with a crocodile like head and a huge sail. Though it was accurate for the time but today it is very inaccurate.
         The first thing we should start off with the crest. Spinosaurus had a crest and it was placed above the nasal bone. Also the nosal is placed on top of the head, too! The body was way longer than the jurassic park one. Making his center of gravity in the middle of his body not at the leg! The means Spinosaurus can`t walk bipedally. So, he would have to walk on his nuckles. The paleontologists who found this skeleton suggested that Spinosaurus had webed feet.
         With this new info on spinosaurus, we now belive that spinosaurus was only on water and very rarely going on land!

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