Saturday, November 24, 2018


WE JUST GOT A DOMAIN! NO MORE .BLOGSPOT!  Sorry for All the posts. So Look past this one for the other posts today!

Aslo this is our tenth post!

Dinosaur Book Review: Pocket Genius Dinosaurs

              Dinosaur Book Review: Pocket Genius Dinosaurs

Note: This review will compare this book to a another book by the same company. The other book is called "Dinosaurs and Prehistoic life" by DK books. That book came out in 2003 and this book came out in 2016.

Hello, readers! Today, beacuse I couldn`t think of anything else to talk about we are going to do a book review! This review will be put into 3 parts: Images, How Accurate it is and the Cost.


The images in this book are great! The CGI looks pretty good! Some of the images are skeletons or sculptures. But, one thing makes these images less impressive.  Most of them are use used. This is a problem with all DK books. The oldest book using these images is Dinosaur and Prehistoic life! But I get it, CGI costs alot and for the ones that look good, so why would you even want to change the images?

How Accurate it is?

It is pretty accurate! But the T-rex dosen`t have feathers (Not a surpise). But I am going to use one exmaple to show how accurate the book is. In the book, spinosaurus shows a Jurassic Park 3 looking one with a crest. For the real Spinosaurus looked like please vist my other blog post. HERE.


Best cost for any dinosaur book ever. 5 US dollars. Great Price. Just worth it to buy for the price.


Not that great on info but AWESOME on the Cost part. It great for carrying around beacuse of its size, its very small (But easy to lose!) Overall its score is....

SCORE. 5.5/10

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Ledumahadi : Giant Thunderclap

Ledumahadi : Giant Thunderclap

Yes! A new dinosaur discovered! Ledumahadi is a large herbivore that weighed 12 tonnes. This dinosaur lived 200 million years ago and was the largest land animal to walk for the time. paleontologists do not know why dinosaurs grew this big. This could have been for reaching new food sources. The bones of this dinosaur were really thick to support his weight.
        This dinosaur  is now the largest land animal  to live for its time. That is a huge thing to do! Well that's all for now tune in next week!

Note: Sue the T-rex is being put back on display! With new updates. it now has a rib cage and a wish bone!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Spinosaurus : Different Then You Know

 Spinosaurus : Different Then You Know

The Spinosaurus a classic dinosaur made popular  by the movie Jurassic Park 3. In that movie ,Spinosaurus was shown as a large theropod with a crocodile like head and a huge sail. Though it was accurate for the time but today it is very inaccurate.
         The first thing we should start off with the crest. Spinosaurus had a crest and it was placed above the nasal bone. Also the nosal is placed on top of the head, too! The body was way longer than the jurassic park one. Making his center of gravity in the middle of his body not at the leg! The means Spinosaurus can`t walk bipedally. So, he would have to walk on his nuckles. The paleontologists who found this skeleton suggested that Spinosaurus had webed feet.
         With this new info on spinosaurus, we now belive that spinosaurus was only on water and very rarely going on land!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus?

                                      Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus?

We have all called an Apatosaurus a Brontosaurus at one point. Don`t deny it, but we know better now right? Or do we? Lets take a look back at Brontosaurus`s history.
                 Back in 1879, the first Brontosaurus genus was "found" by paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh. This specimen still is see-able at Great Hall of Yale`s Peabody Museum of Natural History.
But in 1903 paleontologist Elmer Riggs found that Brontosaurus was just the same genus as Apatosaurus. In such cases like this the rules of scientific nomenclature states that the oldest name is the correct name.
                   A nearly 300 page study sayed that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus were different enough to be its own genus. This means now you can say that Brontosaurus is a real dinosaur!