Saturday, September 28, 2019

Dinosaur of the Week: Ankylosaurus

Dinosaur of the Week: Ankylosaurus

What would a living tank look like? Well, you may just be thinking of a tank with eyes I think of Ankylosaurus. Its name mean "Fused Lizard". Ankylosaurus is one of the biggest Ankylosaurs at 6 meters long. It was discovered by Barnum Brown (The same guy who discovered T-rex) in 1908. Ankylosaurus was a herbivore, but its teeth couldn't`t crush plants so instead they striped the leaves of the branches then digest it.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Battle at Big Rock Review

Battle at Big Rock Review (SPOILERS)

For those who didn`t know there was a Jurassic world short film released recently. It`s only eight minutes long and takes place after Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and I am going to cover it since this is a blog about dinosaurs. The sections were covering are Story, cinematography and of course Dinosaurs. So let`s just jump in!


The story was alright, not much though. But it is just a short film so that can be expected but I will still give a rundown of the story! The film starts with a family at a campsite, but then a wild Nasutoceratops comes up and just check thing out with her baby. But then an allosaurus pops up and starts attacking. After a male Nasutoceratops scares away the allosaurus from the female, it then attacks the truck with a family inside. After some screaming, the girl shoots the allosaurus with a crossbow. Then the short film ends but not without fun credits to go along with the film. The credits show people getting attack by dinosaurs in the wild. I would suggest checking out the credits yourselves. 


The cinematography of the film is great! One scene really shows this. The scene is where the allosaurus is roaring at the family with the campfire in the background. But the film is really dark, and it makes it hard to see the dinosaurs. But other than that the film was great!
The scene!


The dinosaurs were great. The Nasutoceratops looked like a nasutoceratops! But I do have some problems with the allosaurus. In real life, allosaurus didn`t have back spikes like in the film and of course feathers, it had feathers. But other than that the dinosaurs were good.


The film was great! Just the darkness and the Allosaurus not being realistic knocks it down to a 9 out of 10. But I would still check it out if you like dinosaurs!

RATING: 9/10

Monday, September 16, 2019

NEWS: New updates coming to the website!

NEWS: New updates coming to the website!

Alright, I am doing a little update because I want to. If you really don`t care about the website and just the website you can skip this. So lets just start with the biggest thing first. DINOSAUR OF THE WEEK! It`s a new thing I am doing were I spotlight a dinosaur for the week! (Counts for the Saturday post but it won`t be the only thing I do every week. I may not do a dinosaur of the week every week.) Half Asleep Dinos is having its 1 year anniversary in one month, so to celebrate if you post any fan art in the comments of this post they will be featured in the post! Anyways that all I wanted to say!