Saturday, June 29, 2019

A new Dinosaur discovered! A tiny T-rex!

A new Dinosaur discovered! A tiny T-rex!

A new t-rex realted dinosaur has been discovered! It was only five feet and was discoverd in Cruzeiro do Oeste. But the really cool thing is that this dinosaur`s foot print were discoverd 50 years ago and only now the discovered the dinosaur which it was from! The skeleton looks like it was well adapted to the area in which it lived in

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Sorry, I am not posting this week! But I am doing to this to say I can`t post for the next 2 weeks. I won`t be able to but as soon as I come back I will!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Smithsonian`s Dinos are back!

Smithsonian`s Dinos are back!

After some redoing the dinosaur hall, the Smithsonian museum is reopening their dinosaur hall on June 8th, so today we are reviewing what is new there!
The dinosaur hall is packed with over 700 specimens, but one of the most major additions is the Triceratops in a new position with a new friend! The Triceratops that has been in the dinosaur hall since the opening of the dinosaur and is now prey for the T-rex!

 There is now a 90 foot long diplodocus that stretches across the room!

In the old dinosaur hall there was an Edmontosaurus in the wall. But when the plaster was taken away they found the part of the specimen was encased in rock. The skeleton was never finished being excavated.

There is still a bit more to cover on this topic so if you want more tell me in the comments