Saturday, April 27, 2019

TITANS - Diplodocus

TITANS - Diplodocus

Diplodocus means "double-beamed" and it used to the longest dinosaur. Its huge trunk legs can support its huge body. In some artwork of diplodocus the dinosaur has spikes on its back. Named by the famous Othniel Charles Marsh. Diplodocus is a part of the diplodocus family.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

TITANS - Titanosaurus

TITIANS - Titanosaurus

Titanosaurus is apart of the titanosaur family and it is 40 feet long. When it was found it had distinguishing features that other sauropods did`t have. But newer finds have those same features that titanosaurus had. Titianosaurus is also the name of a godzilla kajiu, but they aren`t the same! 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

TITANS - Apatosaurus

TITANS - Apatosaurus

Apatosaurus, we have done a post about this dinosaur before. But in that post we talked about the brontosaurus controversy, but today we talk about the dinosaur!
         Apatosaurus was found in 1877, by Othniel C. Marsh. It was a sauropod dinosaur, which name means "decpetive lizard." Because some of the bones look like mosasaur bones. In 1997 a magazine found that Apatosaurus could whip its tail to make cannon like boom. But the tip of the tail was too thin to be used as a weapon. Apatosaurus had to eat about 880 pounds every day to live.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Bad News

I am sorry, I lost the doiman for the website and they boughted me out. They payed 1000 dollars. I won`t have this website next week. sorry!